1 februari: Klas Wikström af Edholm

Åbo Akademi/Stockholm Universitet
Människooffer under yngre järnålder och vikingatid

15 februari: Claes Gejrot

Riksarkivet, Stockholm
The Kalmar Documents of 1397: Language and Diplomatics

1 mars: Anders Winroth

Oslo Universitet
Mordet på Biskop Gottskalk Falkdal 1374

15 mars: Rikard Hedvall

Arkeologerna i Linköping
En nyupptäckt tidigkristen kyrkogård i Vreta kloster

29 mars: Gabriela Bjarne Larsson

Historiska institutionen, Stockholm Universitet
Familj och egendom i Stockholm 1479—1530

12 april: Jeffrey Hamburger

Harvard University
Drawing Conclusions: Logical Diagrams as a Matrix for the Making and Meaning of Christian Images in the Middle Ages

28 april (onsdag 16.00-18.00): Robert Pouge Harrison

Stanford University
The Modern Edge of the Divine Comedy

10 maj: John Marenbon

Trinity College, Cambridge University
Cultural Comparisons, and Relativism in Medieval Philosophy

17 May: Jacob Langeloh

Universität Freiburg
Rationes, Auctoritates, Exempla. The Resources of Practical Philosophy in the Middle Ages as Exemplified in De ortu et fine Romani imperii (c.1313) by Engelbert of Admont

31 maj: Tapio Salminen

Turku University
The late medieval and early 16th century migration of Finnish peasants to Tallinn. Motives, social status and gender in transregional movement of people in the Northern Baltic Sea Area 1350-1560