27 september: Henrik Lagerlund, Sylvain Roudaut, Department of Philosophy, SU,  Erik Åkerlund, The Newman Institute, Uppsala:
"The Mechanization of Philosophy between 1300 and 1700"

11 oktober: Olle Ferm, Historiska Institutionen, SU:
"Svenska studenter i Paris"

25 oktober: Daniel Sävborg, Department of Scandinavian Studies, Tartu universitet: "Uppsalakungarna. Dikt – Tradition – Historia"

15 november: Anja Rathmann-Lutz, Universität Basel:
"Narrating Change in the 12th Century. Theory and the Body"

29 november: Samu Niskanen, Helsinki University:
"Publication and anti-intellectual rhetoric as hermeneutical keys to Anselm's (†1109) Proslogion."

13 december: Anthony Lappin, Department of Romance and Classical Studies, SU:
"Early Mission to the Muslims: the Monk of France and Zaragoza in the late eleventh century" Med postseminarium.